Holy Mother Jayanthi 2024

23.12.24 03:34 PM Comment(s) By thirumukkudal

Holy Mothe

Holy Mother Jayanthi 2024

r Jayanthi 2024The face of the moon was in shadow

The 172nd Jayanthi Celebration of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi was celebrated at our Ramakrishna Mission, Thirumukkudal. Around 70 people attended, including a few devotees and well-wishers. The program, held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, included the following events: 


Speech about Holy Mother


 Distribution of clothes to the deserving needy 

    * 24 Males received dhoti and towel *30 Females received sarees.
      The programme ended with  Prasad distribution.
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